
Achieve Reform Excellence Webinar

Listen to a fantastic conversation with Fi Mercer and Brendan Moore as they discuss the key pillars of change within the Reform Agenda for Aged Care and how to ensure your organisation has the contemporary governance capabilities needed for Reform success.

Watch the Achieve Reform Excellence Webinar:



Key Topics:

The webinar discussion covers key pillars of change within the Reform Agenda for Aged Care and core contemporary governance opportunities, including: 

+ Governance Leadership Team Capabilities 
+ Governance Leadership Team Harmony
+ Strategic Insight 
+ Workforce and Culture 
+ Compliance & Regulatory Risk 
+ Financial 
+ Cyber Security 
+ Stakeholder & Community Engagement 

What you'll learn: 

+ The 'Why' behind the Reform Agenda for Aged Care, 'What' change has taken place to date, and 'What' is yet to come
+ The major Reform and Contemporary Governance opportunities for your organisation
+ How GovernWith can help your organisation navigate these opportunities to ensure Aged Care Reform Excellence

Download the Achieve Reform Excellence Webinar slides.


Download the 'Reform Ready' Checklist to review your organisation's alignment to the key contemporary governance opportunities for Aged Care Reform compliance.

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