Contemporary Governance

Governance Evaluator and the ACHG partner up for the benefit of VHA members

Discover our new partnership with ACHG for robust healthcare governance solutions. Elevate your board's performance and drive quality outcomes.

Governance Evaluator and The Australian Centre for Healthcare Governance (ACHG) are excited to announce a new initiative for building strong governance in the health sector. 

Our newly formed partnership combines the proven approach of Governance Evaluator’s online suite of board evaluation solutions with the health sector and extensive governance consulting expertise of JoAnne Moorfoot Director of ACHG and her Team to provide VHA members with a comprehensive approach to board and director review and ongoing governance support services  The partnership builds capacity for both Governance Evaluator and ACHG to ensure all VHA members have access to a consistent and proven range of solutions for improving their governance performance and ultimately driving quality outcomes for their consumers. 

Governance Evaluator is the most straightforward and intelligent way to improve your board’s performance. The easy-to-use online system enables you to manage your governance program at your own pace whilst using a proven, systematic approach to improving governance performance.  A suite of complementary, health sector-specific solutions, enable you to design a governance program to meet your specific needs. 

Using Governance Evaluator for your annual governance and director development program ensures you build your capabilities using sector relevant evaluations, consistent trending of results and dynamic action plans which are responsive to your needs at any point in time.  Our community enables you to benchmark your performance against your peers and other governing bodies with like responsibilities. 

The ACHG approach and experience is unique, combining their working and ‘systems’ knowledge of governance and strategy in the Victorian health system to apply a practical methodology to work with organisations to diagnose systems issues, and facilitate problem solutions to develop governance system improvements. 

Together Governance Evaluator and the ACHG expertly support boards and directors on their journey of continuous improvement; building a shared, consistent understanding of good governance and empowering leaders to improve organisational efficiency, productivity, service quality and culture. 

ACHG not only provides expertise convening to support boards through their governance and director development programs, but, following on from the board evaluation ACHG can provide additional support to boards. They can provide ongoing development to build and enhance the skills of the board across a broad range of areas including Corporate and Clinical Governance, Legislative Compliance, Integrity Governance Training, Occupational Health and Safety, Strategic effectiveness for boards and Roles and Responsibility of Chairs. 

If you would like to learn more about this exciting new initiative, please contact Governance Evaluator or the

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