
Transforming Boards: Skills for Contemporary Governance

Fi Mercer is joined by Dr Jenny Fitzgerald, AM, she shares her “hands on” experience, as both a highly experienced Director and CEO, for supporting and building a Board and Executive Team with Contemporary Governance Skills and Practice. Jenny helps unpack how ESG skills and knowledge impacts on this and gives some excellent examples of strategies she has employed.

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The key takeaways from this important conversation with Jenny about building contemporary governance skills and practice for contemporary leaders in our Boards and Executives will be: 

  • Does the makeup of your Board and Executive reflect the diversity of ESG skills and experience required, in relation to your organisations purpose, values and culture? 
  • What are some of the skills and practices required by Directors around the Boardroom table for being contemporary leaders?  
  • What are some of the skills and practices required by Executives for being contemporary leaders? 
  • What are some of the tools and strategies for building a contemporary Board who embody ESG principles? 
  • What are some of the tools and strategies for building a contemporary Executive who embody ESG principles? 
  • What are some tools and strategies for creating a harmonious Board and Executive for leading organisation wide Contemporary Governance? 

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